Asking Janette Williamson, Cabinet Member for Finance and Growth, for an update on plans to help regenerate deprived areas of the Wirral.
A full transcript and a link to Cabinet Question Time is available below.
Jo Bird
"Would she agree with me that we must support access to local centres like New Ferry and Bromborough Village through car parking and better bus services because locally owned businesses, traders and customers they're the heart and soul of our local economies and local communities unlike businesses that are run purely for wealth extraction. So please should she give council an update on the community wealth building initiative?"
Janette Williamson - Finance & Resources
"Thank you for recognising the value of our community wealth building strategy. You are right, at the moment things aren't really working particularly well for residents on Wirral, particularly in the more deprived areas where the multinationals are just sucking the wealth out of those communities. We have got Neil McInroy from CLES (Centre for Local Economic Strategies) working with Wirral Council to advance our community wealth building strategy. He's working on the percentage spend Wirral has and our partners have as well. We're working on increasing that so we can keep more of the Wirral pound here on Wirral. Very much important for New Ferry, Liscard, and areas we are hoping to build up."
Start time: 1hr 32mins 55secs
End time: 1hr 34mins 44secs